Recurring Orders

Snail Tail Flies is proud to introduce our new Recurring Order Program. If you need flies on a regular basis, order once and I will automatically ship you your flies Weekly, Bi-weekly or Monthly. By being subscribed, you ensure I always have the cultures you need in stock, producing cultures included. If you order 6 cultures every 2 weeks, for example, I can ship you 3 fresh and 3 producing cultures, cutting the frequency of shipments in half; this leads to some substantial savings. If your mailman has a history of being rough with the package, you may want me to ship you 6 fresh cultures instead, since they fare much better in rough shipping conditions.

Our subscription program gives you complete control over the cultures you receive, ensuring you always have flies on hand. If the peace of mind doesn't sway you, the price sure will. Shipping is a standard cost, which is lower than the actual cost in many instances, making the cultures often come out to less than the listed price. These prices are a good amount lower than anyone else in the country, and if you've tried our cultures before you know that our quality is second to none. If you have any questions you can refer to our Terms or contact us.


-Orders can ship Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, or custom.

- Cultures can be Fresh, Producing or a mix.

-Choose our Wingless melanogaster, Flightless hydei, or any combination.

*** Limited-time Introductory Sale!!! ***

Cultures at $3.50! with minimum of 3 orders

Culture price: Cultures per Order:
Number of Orders:

$3.50 Cultures!
reg. $4.50

(6 cultures total)

2 Cultures

+ $9.25 shipping per order


that's just $16.25 per order, shipping included!

reg. $57.75

Special Instructions

$3.50 Cultures!
reg. $4.50

(18 cultures total)

6 Cultures

+ $15 shipping per order

that's just $36 per order,
shipping included!

reg. $129

Special Instructions

Cultures at $3! with minimum of 6 orders

Culture price: Cultures per Order:
Number of Orders:

$3 Cultures!
reg. $4.00

(12 cultures total)

2 Cultures

+ $9.25 shipping per order

that's just $15.25 per order,
shipping included!

reg. $103.50

Special Instructions

$3 Cultures!
reg. $4.00

(36 cultures total)

6 Cultures

+ $15 shipping per order

that's just $33 per order,
shipping included!

reg. $234

Special Instructions
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